Space Hoppers - Week 2 Mini Competition

We have just finished week 2 of our Bounce Back Space Hopper competition and as well as the main prize of £1000 in vouchers, we are also running weekly mini competitions.

This week our mini competition was for the funniest photo/video, like last week we had so many entries and the LSi team struggled to pick a winner but, in the end, it was Becky Taylor and the team from Alutech who are the winners of our Week 2 Mini completion and have won £250 in Virgin Experience vouchers! We loved the effort you put into the video, as well as the link to the current furl shortage situation

Click here to watch the winning video

We've been overwhelmed by the number of entries but there's still time to enter our main competition or this week's mini-competition which is for the best photo or video taken in public!

Alutech winning space hopper image

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