LSi at the races

To celebrate a fantastic first half of the year, the LSi team were treated to a day out at Doncaster races. The event was particularly to bring all the LSi departments together, and to welcome a few new starters whom after several drinks were best friends with everyone (I speak for myself there).

There were 24 team members that went to the races, where we had a corporate box for the day. We enjoyed a lovely buffet and drinks, 28 bottles of prosecco to be precise! There were 8 races and everyone enjoyed watching and placing the odd bet, win or lose everyone enjoyed themselves and were thankful for the treat.

Above all this, the event was to say a fond farewell to Anshini and thank her for her time with LSi. Anshini who is originally from Mauritius and currently studying at Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris, has spent 6 months on an internship with us during her course in English and Commerce. She passed all her exams and has since been awarded a scholarship in Singapore commencing in September. We are all extremely proud of her. We will miss her greatly and wish her well on the next part of her journey.

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