PAGE Silver Distributer of the Year and BPMA 25-Year Member

LSi are delighted to announce we were awarded SILVER Distributor of the Year at the recent PAGE Partnership Annual Conference and dinner that celebrates the launch of our new 2024/25 Catalogue.

Winners of the award are determined through a survey that is completed by all 70 suppliers that contribute product to the group Catalogue.

We would like to thank our customers for their loyalty, our suppliers for their votes and finally the LSi Team for all their hard work.

In the same week we also celebrated becoming a BPMA (British Promotional Merchandise Association) 25-year member!

Being a part of this association means that you can buy with LSi in complete confidence. As we follow a strict Code of Conduct which governs areas such as quality, accurate advertising, fair trade terms and managing customer complaints.

Again, we would like to thank our customers for their loyalty, we wouldn’t have been in the industry for nearly 30 years without you!

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