
Policy icon

Terms & Conditions

LSi Ltd Standard Terms and Conditions and General Trading Information

Download our T&C's Policy

Sustainability Statement

LSi Limited is committed to operating its business in a sustainable and ethically responsible manner, it follows all legal requirements relating to suppliers of promotional merchandise and corporate clothing.

Download our sustainability statement

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is for this website lsi.co.uk and served by LSi Ltd and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it.

Read our privacy policy

Privacy Notice

LSi Limited is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect, use and store personal information about you during and after your business relationship with us.

Read our privacy notice

Environmental Policy Statement

The environmental policy statement outlines the various procedures we have in place to reduce the negative impact we have upon the environment.

Download our environmental policy statement

Quality Policy Statement

The quality policy statement outlines our commitment to providing defect free goods and services to customers on time and within budget.

Download our quality policy statement

Modern Slavery Policy Statement

Our policy reflects our commitment to acting responsibly, ethically and ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in the supply chain.

Download our modern slavery policy statement

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